Wednesday 17 November 2010

God Meant It For Good

Romans 8:28 - 'And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.'

I would like to share with you two experiences of mine from the past two weeks; experiences where I believe God's providence and provision are evident.

The first series of events link the loss of my Debit Card to a marvellous encounter with fellow Brothers in Starbucks.

Lose Debit Card at Sainsburys -> Take cash out with Cash Card -> Stop off at a Church Book Shop as I have cash -> Purchase books -> Sit at Starbucks reading books -> Men observe the books and begin a conversation about God -> Connection made with fellow disciples of Jesus Christ

If I hadn't misplaced my Debit Card, I wouldn't have had the cash to purchase the books and consequently my Brothers would not have had a reason to begin a conversation with me at Starbucks. God was able to use these events to bring about a connection which will no doubt prove influential on my walk with Him. 

The next series of events follow from a time when I was without a Bible (I only had a Hebrew Old Testament) and was praying that God would provide me with one as I was hoping to write encouraging letters to people and would have loved to quote verses from the New Testament.

Debit card gets declined at restaurant -> Get it sorted -> Card gets declined again when buying a train ticket -> Get it sorted once more -> Try to take cash out of machine for train ticket home -> Card declined again -> Walk to Alisdair's to borrow change for my train ticket (whilst praying about the Bible) -> Alisdair gives me money and his mother, Hazel, lends me her Bible

It turns out that when trying to get cash out for the third time there was nothing wrong with my card, but the machine itself. However, because I was required to do two security checks for my card not long before, I had assumed that Santander had frozen my account again. If it had not been for these events, I would not have walked to Alisdair's house to get change and would not have been given the wonderful gift of a Bible. I was then able to quote Scripture in various letters I was writing and through studying the Epistles, the Holy Spirit brought me abundant wisdom and revelation. 

These stories may not sound miraculous, but they showed me that God is able to take events that initially caused distress and inevitably use them for good. Take this example from the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.

Joseph receives a vision from God involving his brothers bowing down to him -> Brothers get jealous and angry -> Brothers sell Joseph into slavery -> Becomes Potiphar's servant -> Gets thrown into prison after being accused of attempting to lie with Potiphar's wife -> Interprets dreams in prison -> Pharaoh has dreams and hears of Joseph's ability to interpret -> Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and becomes a commander over Egypt -> Brothers travel to Egypt to escape famine and bow before Joseph -> Joseph's initial vision is fulfilled.

The story of Joseph is an amazing and hugely influential one. It clearly shows God's providence and provision through a series of events which in themselves brought distress. It took 13 years as a slave and a convict before Joseph's vision was fulfilled. He later responds to his brothers' plea for forgiveness by saying, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today" (Genesis 50:20).

We experience such sadness, distress and discomfort in our everyday lives, mostly outside of our control. However, God cares for us and promises to provide for our every need. He has the power to use any situation for our good, as long as we place all our love and trust in Him. In retrospect to these series of events in my life, I can see how God has been able to use my experiences of evil and suffering to bring about good, drawing me into a closer and more intimate relationship with Him.

Shalom in Christ,

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